[토스] Day 4 ( Part 5 )

BOTTLE6 2022. 5. 22. 22:14

■ Part 5

Some people say having a job that you like is more likely to earn you more money. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Why or why not? Give specific reasons and details to support your opinions. 

어떤 사람들은 자신이 좋아하는 일을 하는 것이 돈을 더 벌어다 줄 가능성이 많다라고 생각합니다. 

당신은 이 의견에 동의하십니까? 왜 그렇나요?

구체적인 이유와 예시를 들어서 설명해주세요. 


■ 준비시간 30초 동안 할 일 

- 이유 문장 2개를 미리 영작 

- 파트 6 만능답변 중 2개를 떠올려서 간단하게 메모 해놓고 시작 


■ 서론 

- 결론부터 얘기한다. 

1. 동의하니 ? 
동의한다. : I agree with the statement.

동의하지 않는다. : I disagree with the statement. 


2. 장점/단점이 뭐가 있니?

There are some advantages/disadvantages of N. 


3. 무엇이 제일 중요하니? 

I think __ is the most important. 


I agree with the statement. 


■ 연결문장

Let me explain why I think this way.


■ 첫번째 이유

Most of all, 첫번째 이유 

Employees can work more efficiently and productively. 

→ people can work more efficiently and productively.

+ if 를 붙여서 ~한다면, if they have a job that they like,


■ 첫번째 예시 

개인적인 경험

From my experience, 내 얘기(경험)

경험 만들기

- 비지니스 경험, I used to work at a company

- 고등학생 , When I was a high school student, 

- 대학생 , When I was a college student, 

- 아동 관련, When I was a kid,

문장을 참고해서 가장 간단하게 만들기. 쉬운문장 1~2개로

I really liked the job. For me, it was very helpful

because I worked very efficiently and productively. (문장 반복)


■ 두번째 이유

On top of that, 두번째 이유(만능문장)

employees can be more satisfied with their jobs. 

People can be more satisfied with their jobs. 


■ 두번째 예시 (시간 남는다면)

뉴스 보도를 얘기해주기(경험대신)

According to a recent news report, The majority of 사람들 in Korea said that 사람들이 한말


○ 사람들 : 

education experts 교육전문가

doctors 의사

environment experts 환경전문가

successful CEOs 성공한 CEO

children 아동들

college students 대학생들

office workers 직장인들

high school students 고등학생들 


○ 사람들이 한말 : 

1. S is very beneficial / important : 내가 주장하는 바가 이득이 된다. 

having a job that they like

2. 두번째 이유 문장을 그대로 쓴다. 

having a job that you like is more likely to earn you more money. 


Because they can be more satisfied with their jobs(두번째 이유 그대로 copy)


■ 결론 (없어도 됨)

Therefore, I think this way. 


■ 답변

I agree with statement. 

Let me explain why I think so.

Most of all, people can work more efficiently and productively if they have a job that they like

From my experience, I used to work at a company. 

I really liked my job. For me it was very helpful. 

Because I worked very efficiently and productively

On top of that, people can satisfied with their jobs. 

According to a recent news report, the majority of office workers in Korea said that 

having a job that they like is very beneficial. 

Because they can be more satisfied with their jobs

That is why I think so.