[토스] Day 2 (Part 4 + Part 2)
■ Day 2
○ Part 4 + Part 2
- 목표 : Part 4 마스터하기, Part 2 문제 풀이
1. Part 4 의 5가지 빈출 표 유형 익히기
2. Part 4 답변 템플릿 익히기
3. Part 4 듣기 문제 패턴 익히기
4. Part 4 실전 모의고사 10세트 연습
5. Part 2 실전 문제 10세트 연습
Part 4 강의
■ Part 4 설명
읽는시간 : 45초
준비시간 : 3초
답변시간 : 15초/15초/30초
■ 전치사 문법 정리
○ 날짜 (요일) : on
- On Oct 24th
- On Sat. July 2nd
○ 시간 : at
- at 9:00 am
- at 2:00 pm
○ 특정 장소(건물명, 주소) : at
- at Kimpo Airtport
- at 1330 Main Street
○ 실내장소, 도시, 나라 : in
- In Room 105
- In Seoul
■ 유형 (1) 일정표
Q8 ) When and Where will the seminar take place ?
▶ It will be held on June 20th at Hilton Hotel.
Q9 ) The registration and coffee session starts at 8:30 am, is that true?
▶ No, actually, the registration and coffee session will start at 9:00 am.
Q10 ) Marketing is very important when it comes to running a business related to sports equipment.
I know that several topics related to marketing will be discussed at the seminar. Can you tell me about them?
▶ There are two sessions. First, at 1 pm, there is a workshop on social media marketing by Ray Kingston.
Next, at 2 pm, there is a discussion on appealing to sports fans through marketing by kevin Delmont.
○ 자주쓰는 일정표 템플릿
It(프로그램) will be held at + 시간/장소
It(프로그램) will start at 시각
It(프로그램) will finish at 시각
No, actually, + 맞는 정보
There is (will be) 프로그램 on 주제 by 사람
First /Next/ Finally
■ 유형 (2) 개인일정
Q8 ) When will I depart from San Francisco and which flight am I taking?
▶ You will depart from San Francisco at 10 am on American Air 105.
Q9 ) I think I'm supposed to have a meeting with Jane White, the regional director.
Can you confirm that?
▶ No, actually, the meeting with Jane white has been canceled.
▶ No, actually, there was supposed to be an meeting with Jane White at 2 pm on Tuesday,
but it has been cancelled.
Q9-1 ) I want to meet a friend who lived in Chicago on Monday around 6 pm. Would that be possible?
▶ No, actually, you will have a dinner meeting with Harry Tibbot, sales manager at 6 pm.
So, It's not possible.
Q10 ) Can you tell me all the details of the schedule on Tuesday morning ?
▶ Yes, First, at 9 am, there is a international marketing Expo.
Next, at 11 am, there is e-marketing conference.
○ 개인일정표에 자주나오는 템플릿
주어 + will + 동사 : ~할 예정이다.
There was supposed to be 일정, but it has been canceled.
■ 유형 (3) 이력서
* position sought : 지원하고자 하는 직책
Q8 ) What's Ms.Matten's latest degree?
▶ She got a Master's degree in Design from Vancouver Art Institute in 2010.
got a Master's/Bachelor's degree
in 전공
from 학교
in 연도
Q9 ) We will work together with some of the local childeren fashion magazine companines and we wawnt to hire someone that has a lot of experience in working with kids for the chief editor position. Is there anything on the resume that shows that Ms.Matten has experience in this area?
▶ Yes, She worked at Collingwood elementary school as an art teacher in 2012.
at 장소
Q10 ) Can you tell me all the details about work experience ?
▶ First, from 2015 to 2017, she worked at Jasper Fashion Magazine as a director.
Next, from 2017 up to now, she has worked at Toronto Fashin Magazine as a chief editor.
○ 이력서 템플릿
He/She got a bachelor's degree(학사)/ master's degree(석사) in 전공 from 학교 in 년도.
From 시작일 to 종료일, he/she worked at 회사명 as 직책
From 시작일 up to now, he/she has worked at 회사명 as 직책(현재까지)
I think he/she is qualified because ~
He/she is fluent in 언어명 : He is fluent in Spanish.
He/She is certified in 자격 / certified by 기관 : She is certified in pilates.
He/she has experience in 분야
■ 유형 (4) 면접일정표
Q8 ) When and where will the interview be held ?
▶ It will be held on May 5th in Conference Room 3C.
※ Room은 실내이므로 at 대신 in을 써야함
Q9 ) I heard that I'm supposed to interview Sandra Vincent at 11:30 am. It that correct ?
▶ No, actually, there was supposed to be an interview with Sandra Vincent, but it has been canceled.
by 사람 : 누군가에 의해서 (행사 등이) 진행될 때
with : 누군가와 함께 어떤 것을 진행할 때,
Q10 ) Can you tell me about all the details of the applicants apply for the sales manager position?
▶ Yes, First from 9:30 to 10:00 am, there is an interview with Julia Collins from Best System.
Second, from 10:30 to 11:00, there is an interview with Jason Morris from ST corporation.
○ 면접일정표 템플릿
You will interview 사람 for 직책
There is an interview with 사람 from 회사명 who is applying for 직책
He/She has three years of experience.
■ 유형 (5) 강의일정표
Q8 ) How much should I pay for the bowling courses ?
▶ If you are a member, it's free. But if you are not a member, it's 30 dollars per class.
Q9 ) As far as I know, Jake Lee will be teaching Professional Bowling courses, Is that right ?
▶ No, actually, David Williams will teach Professional Bowling course.
사람 will teach ~ class
Q10 ) I am very interested in David William's classes. Can you tell me about all the classes taught by David William?
▶ Yes, there are two classes.
First, on Mondays, From 9 to 10 am, there is Professional Bowling class,
Second, on Thursdays, from 1 to 2 pm, there is Advanced Bowling Skills.
※ 매주 월/목요일이므로 on Mondays, on Thursdays (s 붙여야 함)
○ 강의 일정 템플릿
You have to pay 금액 for 강좌
You should register by 등록 마감일 (You have to pay 20dollars for advanced class by October 20th.
If you V, It's ~dollars.
There is a 과목명 class/course
강사 will teach 과목명 class/course.
■ 8번에 자주 나오는 키워드
When and Where ~?(언제 어디서?)
What time ~ ?(몇시?)
When does it start / begin ~ ? (언제 시작하니?)
When does it finish/end (언제 끝나니?)
How much is the registration fee?(등록비는 얼마니?)
How much is the entry fee?(입장료는 얼마니?)
■ 9번 문제
표에 나오는 정보에 대해서 물어보고 자기가 아는 정보가 맞는지 확인하는 문제.
■ 10번 문제
표에 특정 키워드 (ex- marketing)가 들어간 세션을 다 찾아서 읽어주는 문제